James Joyces游戏化的虚拟世界 Ulysses. Images courtesy of Joycestick team member Liam Weir '18.

一位文学评论家曾断言,詹姆斯·乔伊斯小说中的人物 Ulysses – the sprawling, 那些几十年来让读者着迷或困扰的现代主义作品——并不是虚构的:通过它们, Stuart Gilbert said, 乔伊斯实现了“对生活连贯而完整的诠释”.”

Now, through a project titled “Joycestick,电子游戏软件乔伊斯学者约瑟夫·纽金特(Joseph Nugent)和他的主要由BC学生组成的团队将这种“对生活的解释”带到了一个完全不同的领域.


Joycestick is Ulysses adapted as an immersive, 3D virtual reality (VR) computer game – a “gamification,” in contemporary parlance. Users don a VR eyepiece and headphones and, with gaming devices, navigate and explore various scenes from the book. Nugent, an associate professor of the practice of English, and his team are continuing to develop, 对Joycestick进行改进和添加,希望于今年6月16日在都柏林正式揭幕——这是1904年的这一天 Ulysses 这一天现在被称为“布卢姆日”,以纪念书中的主角利奥波德·布鲁姆.

Joycestick是纽金特最近对数字人文学科的一次探索. In past years, 他和他的学生根据乔伊斯的《电子游戏正规平台》制作了一本电子书指南, 描绘1922年都柏林的多媒体之旅也受到了 Ulysses, 以及麦克马伦艺术博物馆关于爱尔兰工艺美术运动展览的交互式数字指南.

Joycestick represents new ground, not just for Nugent and this group of students, but arguably for the teaching of literature. 这种方法的可能性和挑战——被Joycestick小组称为“游戏化”——引发了人文教育核心的那种讨论, says Nugent, 谁看到他作为乔伊斯学者的职业在相对较短的时间内发生了变化.

“For me, 操纵杆——以及数字人文——完全改变了我的职业生涯, and led me to a whole area of creativity and possibility,” says Nugent, 2004年以客座讲师的身份来到不列颠哥伦比亚省,并于次年加入该学院. “As much as I love literature, 我的传统训练并没有给我带来那种来自尖端电子游戏正规平台技术的满足感.”

纽金特用一组近乎乔伊斯式的形容词称赞了学生们对joystick的电子游戏正规平台. “Their level of commitment is ridiculous and wonderful. They know they’re on the cusp of something exciting. They’ve grown up with this rapidly changing technology, and they presume that tomorrow will bring yet more changes. 我们必须边做边编——不像有手册那样——这导致了一些非常严重的问题, enjoyable discussions about the nature of this game.”

A scene from Joycestick.
A scene from Joycestick, 由电子游戏软件教授约瑟夫·纽金特和一群BC学生创建.

这个项目源于纽金特的乔伊斯和数字人文学科课程. Last spring, he and Ryan Reede ’17, 她是计算机科学专业的学生,曾参与麦克马伦展览数字指南的制作, talked about a VR adaptation of Ulysses. Nugent assembled a group of other students from fine arts, 英语和计算机科学学科(伯克利音乐学院的学生为项目的音乐部分提供了帮助), obtained grants from the University, 然后开始了游戏化过程——在一个团队成员在项目文件上的打字错误之后,这个过程变成了“游戏化”.

凭借意识流手法和实验性散文, Ulysses 呈现了一个不太可能出现在传统游戏叙事中的主题. 纽金特和他的团队决定让乔伊斯蒂克通过重现书中的场景来讲述这个故事,比如桑迪科夫的马尔泰罗塔 Ulysses 角色斯蒂芬·迪达勒斯住的地方(乔伊斯自己也在那里住了几天),并引导用户到场景中的某些物体:一个鲜红色的板球, a bar of lemon soap, a telegram bearing sad news. 触摸这个物体就会触发书中的录音, along with other sounds, to explain its significance to the novel.

纽金特指出,所有的物品都必须经过电子游戏正规平台、缩放,并与书中的内容联系起来. 在制作这款游戏的过程中,一些工作涉及到在爱尔兰拍摄和拍摄一些地点.

Joycestick logo
项目团队成员Liam Weir '18介绍Joycestick的视频.

For Nugent, Joycestick的概念与文科的使命保持一致:挑战个人在他或她的经验之外思考, 并接受理解未知的努力本身是有意义的. 即使joysctick可能会遵循电脑游戏模式——用户在游戏中累积积分或其他奖励——它也颠覆了游戏的形式, he says.

“这引发了一些问题:故事是从谁的角度讲的? How can you be sure of its veracity? What can you trust?” Nugent explains. “令人着迷的是,学生们如何将争论转向:用户在这个游戏中的角色是什么? Is he or she simply an observer, or a character – and if so, who is this person and what are they doing there? 乔伊斯想让我们的思想与书中人物的思想交织在一起, so if you give yourself an identity, do you go against that? 

“We look on VR as the ultimate empathy machine, 在这一点上,我们不只是想让读者——观众——兴奋,而是想让他们感动, to engage them with the emotions and events in the book.”

In fact, Joycestick became a seminar of sorts for the student team, not all of whom were acquainted with Ulysses or, for that matter, any of Joyce’s writing. 例如,大一新生伊玛德·阿里(Emaad Ali)对与VR技术合作的机会更感兴趣.

“我想尝试一下它的潜力,以及它为我们的游戏带来的可能性,” he says. “VR gaming hasn’t become totally mainstream yet, 所以我们认为JoyceStick可以真正帮助定义未来人们如何使用VR技术, both inside and outside academia.”

But over time, Ali grew to appreciate the book. “真正让我印象深刻的是乔伊斯作品的创新性. 他深入人类意识,以前所未有的方式表现了普通人的思维方式, which is really inspiring for us as we innovate with VR. I think JoyceStick is a great match for the spirit of Ulysses 因为我们正在给人们一种他们从未有过的体验, which is exactly what Joyce did in his writing.”

里德说:“我读了每一个字,老实说,我还在努力. But working with Joe, 我开始明白它的重要性, and Joyce’s other books. I understand why this is worth doing.”

Nugent freely acknowledges the varied reactions Ulysses can generate, and which to some extent Joycestick embodies. “这是一项宏大而荒谬的事业,”他笑着说.

-Sean Smith | University Communications